Mahara Arts Review award winners announced

Marking Time by Kate Hartmann was the winning entry of the Toi Mahara Open Award
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Congratulations to the recipients of the Arotake Toi | Mahara Arts Review Awards 2023

For her superb piece Marking Time the Toi MAHARA Open Award, sponsored by Coastlands went to Waikanae Beach artist Kate Hartmann.

The Toi MAHARA Merit Award, sponsored by Toi MAHARA was won by Ben Caldwell for Spare Bach, and the Toi MAHARA Merit Award, sponsored by Angela Buswell, Team Harcourts, went to Storm Davenport, Home for Christmas.

Toi MAHARA Highly Commended Award, sponsored by Athfield Architects winner is Rosemary Mortimer, Fragile Worlds IV.

The People’s Choice Award is now open for voting in the gallery. Let us know which is your favourite.

Marking Time by Kate Hartmann was the winning entry of the Toi Mahara Open Award