Rural Women New Zealand Scholarships

The deadline for five tertiary scholarships offered by Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ) is fast approaching, with applications due in by Friday, 1 March 2019.
“Despite the current Government’s first-year Fees Free policy, university remains an expensive experience for many rural students who do not have the choice of living at home to minimise expenses,” says RWNZ Education Portfolio Convenor, Sue Higgins.
“RWNZ is particularly concerned about the low rates of students graduating with agricultural-based degrees and the impact this will have on the development of New Zealand’s rural sector.”
“By offering our support, RWNZ seeks to make university more accessible to young people living rurally, women and those students over 25 who want to make a difference in their communities,” Ms. Higgins says.
Other bursaries and grants offered by RWNZ with deadlines later in the year include the Secondary School Boarding Bursary and the Audrey Reid Grant. The Audrey Reid Grant is designed to help students over 25 years old to focus on subjects that will benefit rural communities, such as midwifery or horticulture.

The following bursary and grant applications are due by Friday, 1 March:
Diamond Jubilee Agricultural Tertiary Bursary
Text Book Grant for Tertiary Students
Education Fund
Tertiary Bursary
Region 4: Tararua Provincial Education Grant
Further information about RWNZ’s bursaries and grants is available on