Feeling the Impacts of Sea Level Rise in Kāpiti

Below is a brilliant article about the consequences of delaying guidance on Coastal Hazards and Climate Change by Eloise Gibson.

Eloise Gibson is Newsroom’s environment and science editor.

About this time last year, staff at the Ministry for the Environment were ready to publish their long-anticipated update to guidance on Coastal Hazards and Climate Change.
Councils were waiting for the guidance, in part to help them stave off challenges by residents and ratepayer’s lobby groups. Mindful of the possible effect that sea level warnings could have on their property values, residents’ groups in places such as Kāpiti and Christchurch had been blocking councils’ attempts to add notations on their LIMs and hazard lines on planning maps, questioning their basis. Councils reasoned that if they had better, newer guidance, it would support their efforts.

The full article can be seen here: