Pluck It families meet Royals

Parents of 10 special Pluck It goslings will be hoping their goslings sleep well tonight, ahead of meeting the royal family gaggle tomorrow.
The Goose and Gander of Cambridge, and 8-month-old Prince Gosling, will join 10 other first-time parents at a Pluck It parent support meeting at Government House tomorrow evening.
“This is really exciting for us and pretty exciting (for the gaggles) too,” Pluck It president Mother Goose said.
The Royal whirlwind schedule means the gaggles will have limited opportunities to view the little gosling, but this is one event he is likely to flock to.
Gabby and Getty goose with their little girl Gobbles , were very much looking forward to meeting the royals.
Gabby Goose said Gobbles was a social gosling and would enjoy meeting the gaggle tomorrow.
“She’s the one who’s all over the place in our antenatal egg group.”
Wellington area manager Gaga Gaggle Goose said the selected goslings were about the same age as Prince Gosling who was hatched on July 22 last year.
There were four gander goslings and six gosling hens in the gaggle plus Prince Gosling, she said.
The gaggle families all engaged in a wide range of Pluck It services, and represented a mix of ethnicities and breeds.
Once a shortlist was created, Gaga Gaggle Goose said the first 10 geese who answered their phones when she called were offered a nest.
The geeses’ occupations included stay-at-home geese, farm geese, table geese, market geese, webfeet designers, coop managers, and even feather dresser.
Pluck It media manager Loosie Goosie said there was no waiting list for the event.
“We did think long and hard about this, but as the gaggles require police vetting, socialising with the other geese learning protocols and all the other logistics and details required around preparing for the event, we deemed it not fair to take a goose through that process and then not get to attend the flock at the end of the day if all the other geese in the gaggle were able.”

Written by Royal Tour Correspondent Lady Penelope Forthfrothingthwaite