Whareroa plantings progressing

Whareroa Guardians report on recent planting. On July 24 there was a poor start with a chilling southerly drizzle before a change to a beautiful sunny morning.
We moved into the southern block of the Lower Ramaroa, abutting one of the kohekohe reserve covenant blocks. It includes a boggy backwater giving a wetland area. There is less wind protection as there is no hedge. Unfortunately the hole borer tip broke and not many were pre-dug but some volunteers did stirling duty, digging as many holes as they could, whilst others planted. The usual mix including coprosmas, pittosporums, ngaio, toetoe and flax were planted, with a small kohwai grove on a slope. One volunteer managed a cold mud immersion, luckily at the end of the morning.
Many thanks to: Peter Davis (and for pre-drilling holes), Dawn Bush, Ruby Durrant-Bush, Matt and Helli Ward, Austin Whincup, Breda Ryan, Margaret Mills, Jonathon Waterworth, Paul Callister, June and Fred Rowland, Christine Elmiger, Philip Corleison, Theo Barsanti, Laura, Bill and Cory van Peer, Ann Evans and Mark Howell.
KCDC have just donated 370 plants to Whareroa. These were grown by Titoki Nursery for the Western Link Road and are of a good size. QE Park nursery have also donated 35 good kahikatea, grown from trees in the park. Thanks to both nurseries.
Surveying for the Emerald Glen Road extension is advanced, the design is finalised and includes a walk/bridle/cycle way.
Wayne Boness of DOC reports that the steep bank at the entrance to Whareroa will be a site for Project Crimson planting and money will be granted for this. The project is linked to the rugby World Cup but continues over 5 years. Rain is delaying progress on the entrance development but the contract for this has been let.
One more planting session is booked, with about 650 plants left to go in. Many holes have already been dug by Philip Corleison and Peter Davis will also be “boring” on Saturday. Thanks to you both. MetVUW forecast shows a dry “window” on Sunday morning, we hope it proves correct.
We invite you all to come along at 9am Sunday 8th August to be part of this year’s Ramaroa planting and to enjoy delicious oniony hotdogs afterwards.