Kāpiti Grey Power President’s Report

Your committee is working really hard to achieve the expectations of its members. We certainly can achieve some of these with the current committee members and with the help of all our volunteers.
We need more committee members to help us achieve more for our members and to ease the current work load. In saying that, we all enjoy what we are doing otherwise we wouldn’t be doing this work. We are all volunteers doing our best for members in the time we have dedicated to Grey Power. You must also be aware that we all have commitments outside of Grey Power that we have to attend to.
We would welcome more members to help us by becoming part of our committee or to offer your assistance from outside the committee.
We are currently reviewing how we can operate more efficiently and part of that review will be whether or not we should hold meetings for our members four times a year given the low numbers of members that come along. The question needs to be answered, “Is it worth the work, effort and cost to hold these meetings for a small percentage of our members?”
As a result of falling attendances, your committee has decided to reduce the number of General Meetings next year to 4.
As a consequence, the number of newsletters will reduce from 6 to 4 per annum. The committee regrets this decision, but considers it is not getting enough bangs for its bucks. This decision will not affect the committee and its work, but will be
kept under review. In the meantime we need to set some priorities in place
to help us to decide what issues are important to the largest number of members.
If anyone thinks they can help out, please contact me. My contact details are below.

Duncan McDonald
President, Kāpiti Coast Grey Power.

Phone: (04) 298 5887
Office Phone: (04) 902 5680
Email: [email protected]
website: www.kapitigreypower.co.nz