Reikorangi Country Fair a treat for all

Gumboot throwing is a popular sport at the Reikorangi Country Fair
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When the weather is excellent (most of the time), there is great music, pet parades, pony rides, great food, gumboot throwing contests, and plenty of laughs you are probably at the annual Reikorangi Country Fair. If you weren’t there on Sunday, be sure to book it in for next year.

Large crowds were expected and they turned up for the genuine kiwi experience of a country fair.

Julia Palmer, who chairs the Reikorangi Residents Assn, says it was wonderful to see so many people enjoying themselves.

Julia Palmer and honoured guest Jeff Simmonds

“Anyone who organises an event like this will tell you the secret is to have a hardy band of volunteers and that’s what we had. We are so pleased to see the Reikorangi Country Fair become a part of the summer calendar in Kāpiti and it gets bigger every year.”

The recently refurbished community hall and the new playground were well used on the day.

The pet parades, gumboot throwing, sack races, tug-of-war, pony rides, excellent food, myriad of stalls, and an afternoon of superb music at the Reikorangi Hall and Reserve saw large crowds basking in the summer sun… until the rain turned up and even then that couldn’t dampen the spirits as the energetic Ukelele Orchestra kept everyone highly entertained.

Facepainting,  Mystery bottles, Pony Rides, Cart Rides, Sausage sizzle,  Spinning demonstrations, Devonshire Teas, Lemonade, stalls and Entertainment… yes please and more of the same next year.