Police Eagle to swoop on illegal car gatherings

The Police Eagle Helicopter will be in the skies above illegal vehicle gatherings
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The Matariki cluster won’t be the only thing in the sky this weekend as the Police Eagle helicopter assists in monitoring and responding to anti-social vehicle gatherings across the mid and lower North Island.

Assistant Commissioner Sandra Venables says “motorists will notice an increased Police presence on the roads as we work to send a strong enforcement message to drivers engaging in anti-social and criminal behaviour.”

Additional Police staff and resources – including the Police Eagle helicopter – have been deployed to support operations in several locations.

Assistant Commissioner Venables says: “Eagle is an incredibly valuable tool that allows us to respond quickly and relays real-time information to our staff on the ground.

“Our Eagle team’s ability to capture visual evidence will also be an important part of our investigation phase. Police districts are organised and well planned to continue putting pressure on these groups over the weekend, following days, and weeks.

“We ask the public to be patient with us as we work across the weekend – Eagle is highly effective and one of our best tools available to target this type of behaviour.

Asst. Police Commissioner Sandra Venables. 

“If you hear the helicopter overhead, please don’t be alarmed – we hope you will be reassured that we are taking action against illegal activity in your community,” says Assistant Commissioner Venables. 

“To those considering engaging in this activity – burnouts, racing, and driving at excess speed puts not only you, the driver, and your passengers at risk, but everyone in the immediate area, and causes great distress to those who live in the communities where this occurs.

“To those who witness suspicious, unlawful, or dangerous activity on our roads please contact Police as soon as possible with as much information as possible. If safe to do, record the activity as it occurs or take photos of vehicles involved.”

Assistant Commissioner Venables says people not to take matters into their own hands, as this likely to place you in harm’s way – instead, please contact Police.”

She says if enforcement action is unable to be taken at the time, Police will use information gathered to follow up during the investigation phase.”

Please call 111 immediately if it is happening now, or share information after the fact through our 105 service.

Alternatively, you can report any information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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