The Kāpiti Coast is set to host the next America’s Cup and preparations are already underway.
The 37th America’s Cup was to be raced in Barcelona as a first-to-seven-wins series from 12 October 2024 but the Kāpiti Boating Club has whipped in and made the Yachting billionaires a better offer.
Commodore John Smith says the Club is already making way for the super-yachts of the mega-rich who will be racing for the Cup.
“We are expecting the council to spend a few million building a marina. It shouldn’t cost more than one or two million, $25million tops,” says Mr Smith.
Mr Smith says portraying the right image will be important to our rich visitors. “Any current boats at the club worth $2million can stay but those only worth $1-2million will be hidden behind Kāpiti Island until the event is over. The rest will be towed down the Coast to Porirua where they can be used for target practice by the Royal NZ Navy.”
Mr Smith says the Cup rules allow for a local entry and they are currently testing a few likely candidates.
Mayor Janet Holborow says she is thrilled Kāpiti will be hosting the America’s Cup.
“I’m thrilled Kāpiti will be hosting the America’s Cup. Apart from a few landlords there are hardly any billionaires in Kāpiti so we look forward to rolling out the red carpet for our affluent visitors.”
Mayor Holborow says it’s a bit late to consult on the costs for the Long Term Plan but thinks the public will be pleased to contribute to the sport of billionaires.
Russell Coutts, keen to get an edge on the competition, has already had a couple of test sails off Paraparaumu Beach where the course is expected to be for the early races.
“We weren’t as quick as I’d hoped but it was a good start,” said Coutts. “I think towing the drift net at the back of the boat to catch any pesky dolphins slowed us down a bit, but there aren’t that many of them and they should all be dead by race day.”
More details as events progress, and Happy April 1st