Richard Young announces policies

Richard Young

With just over a week until voting papers land, Paekākāriki-Raumati ward candidate Richard Young has set out his policies.

“Unlike the current Paekākāriki-Raumati councillor, I’ve not attended all the public and secret council briefings; but as a slightly grey haired chartered engineer I’ve been doing the mahi to get across most issues – it is certainly a steep learning curve – and I reckon I’m pretty well there now.”

Mr Young has now published all sixteen policies that he will be seeking to deliver in the next there years.

Mr Young has come out firmly against progressing Te Uruhi/Gateway, and rather than debate the blown-out budget or $7.7M, he focuses on the fact that there is no genuine requirement for a purpose built bio-security facility for Kāpiti Island. 

“The operators don’t want it, DoC does not need it,  so why provide a building with a huge viewing window of Kāpiti Island when you can just stand on the beach for free?  The project has no purpose and needs to stop right now.”

“I do however fully support the three iwi’s desire to share their story and that of Kāpiti Island but to lock it up in a building makes no sense.”

 Mr Young is just as direct with regards to Kāpiti Airport, where he believes it should be allowed to close within three years.  He says he has done his homework, and recognises that the Crown’s 1995 sale process needs to be remidied.  He considers that any eventual owners of the site can bring a range of commerical, education, health and mixed value housing right to the centre of the district.

He says of all the questions on his Facebook page, Three Waters keeps cropping up.

“As an engineer I know the value and complexities of water infrastructure and I do see the long term merits of a more broadly managed system.  However, the current proposals are unfair to Kāpiti so I will not support them.  I’ve set out my reasons very simply using three glasses of water in my 1-minute YouTube video.”

 “In three years time the people of Paekākāriki and Raumati can dig out my cut-out-and-keep score card and measure what we’ve acheived –  until then I’m committed to use my skills to deliver their voice.”


  1. Get the seawall work underway.
  2. Support moving the Surf Lifesaving Club.
  3. Improve cycling and walking facilities, including SH59.
  4. Get the Capital Connection to  serve Paekākāriki.
  5. Work with all partners to plan Wainuiwhenua, potentially for  social housing, a wind farm, flood control and remediation.


  1. Start the Margaret Road improvements for shoppers and businesses.
  2. Plan to connect Marine Gardens to the beach.
  3. Clear blocked drains and start seawall repairs.
  4. Add safer routes for tamariki to walk and cycle to school.

Kāpiti District

  1. NO to Gateway / Te Uruhi – it has no core purpose.
  2. YES to iwi sharing their story on the beachfront in an open air setting.
  3. Allow Kāpiti Airport to close and be developed, subject to Public Works Act / Te Tiriti claims.
  4. Facilitate more affordable housing, permit 3 storey intensification near transport hubs.
  5. Target net-zero power use and transport emissions by 2035.
  6. Encourage tourism – small scale, high quality and locally owned.

Wider Issues

  1. NO to Three Waters – it is unfair to Kāpiti. Other districts infrastructure needs to reach our level before any merging.