Kāpiti Council Review in 30 Days

Tom Gott from Martin Jenkins is the author of Kāpiti Council’s Organisation Review Report.

Kāpiti District-wide councillor Rob McCann has moved to have the Kāpiti Council’s Organisation Review Report by Martin Jenkins seen within a month.
Cr McCann says he moved a motion regarding the review today seconded by Cr James Cootes who had been a primary driver in getting the review underway last year. Cr McCann’s motion was supported by the Mayor and almost all councillors.

The motion, in several parts was:
“That Council directs Martin Jenkins to release the Organisation Review Report within the next 30 days.

That the Report be released at the same time to the Mayor, Councillors, Board Chairs and CEO followed by a briefing of councillors by Report author, Tom Gott.

That the report be released to board members and the public after the briefing of councillors by Mr Gott.

That councillors release a press release following the briefing.

That at an appropriate time, after the release of the Report, the CEO tables a short position paper on the steps needed by management to progress any relevant recommendations made by the Report.

That the Council recognises the uncertainties around the Alert Levels associated with Covid-19 may potentially have a bearing on the above.”

Cr McCann says he hopes this clarifies the many questions that have been posed, and assures the public that the report will be made public, and will be received by council and councillors at the same time without any interference from any parties. And, that it will then be released to the public.

“I and all the councillors I have heard speak on this topic all want
something proactive to come from the report so that our council is the best it can be.”

Kāpiti mayor K Gurunathan requested that the release of the report be put on hold back in March when it became clear that the Council needed to focus its attention on supporting the Kāpiti Coast community to respond to COVID-19 pandemic and planning for the district’s recovery. He says “as we move into Level 2, the council is now in a position to consider this report and give it our full attention.
“My councillors and I want our organisation to be fit for purpose, and this review provides an opportunity to understand what is working well, and conversely what areas need improvement,” says Mayor Gurunathan.
He says the report will be released in full to the public following the briefing.
“The Council acknowledges that there is a great deal of community interest in the review and it is vital to ensure we are open and honest about any findings.”