Community Garden Parties for Kāpiti

The pilot for Kāpiti Community Garden Parties, events designed to get to know neighbourhood gardens and how to support them, is happening across the district from now until mid-April.
Eight of the Kāpiti Coast’s twelve community gardens are hosting parties that offer workshops, seed swaps, and potluck community celebrations.
Sustainable Communities Coordinator Vanessa Crowe says that learning around community gardens and building community are the primary focuses of the events.
“We hope to raise awareness of the many community gardens in Kāpiti and help them to thrive. The parties bring communities together to think about and celebrate what is special and unique about each garden.”
Ms Crowe says that local food production is championed through the garden parties, which reduces environmental footprints and increases community resilience.
“The parties are an absolute win-win for the Kāpiti District; this Saturday, 24 February, the MOA community orchard on Jeep Road Domain in Raumati South is hosting a walking-talking workshop through the orchard. Cree Hatfield is facilitating the event and will be leading discussion around knowledge-sharing for anyone wanting to grow fruit in Kāpiti. A communal potluck meal and entertainment from local musicians will follow.”
The series is part of the Sustainable Communities Kāpiti programme, other initiatives included in this programme are the Greener Neighbourhoods grant, The Over The Fence Cuppa event for Neighbourhods Day and No8 Wire Week which happens in July offering a week of free and affordable events and workshops which encourage resourcefulness and environmental protection.

For more information and a complete calendar of events, please see: