Raumati Road Improvements work continues

Raumati Road is one of the busiest roads in the district and connects traffic from Paraparaumu Town Centre and State Highway 1 to the Raumati Beach area.

Council is carrying out a range of improvements in this area to respond to growing traffic volumes, to make it easier and safer for people to move through this area and to better serve the needs of all Raumati Road users.

Focus areas:

Raumati Road roundabout – Hillcrest Road/Goldsborough Avenue intersection

Weka Road triangle

Matai Road T-junction

Consultation & collaboration

Raumati Road roundabout – Hillcrest Road/Goldsborough Avenue intersection: Estimated completion date: August 2017

These works involve:
– building a roundabout at the Hillcrest Road/Goldsborough Avenue –
– intersection with Raumati Road to improve traffic flow and safety
– installing pedestrian refuges at each arm of the roundabout
complete but not yet fully operational
– re-aligning Goldsborough Avenue complete
– improving the footpaths
– building a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists on the north
side of Raumati Road which will extend from the Expressway to
Raumati Beach village.