Keeping your Mind on the Job

Wednesday 5 April 2017
7.15am to 8.45am
Southward Car Museum
$25 (incl GST) per person

The more successful you are, the busier you become. And the longer you remain on the treadmill the more you suffer. The Electra Business Breakfast Kāpiti is delighted to be hosting Kerene Strochnetter to speak on mindfulness in the workplace.

Responding to the demands of modern life, family, and work is a constant challenge. You might only notice something’s wrong, when things start to unravel, your work no longer feels as satisfying, or the first tell-tale signs of burnout appear. It gets harder and harder to take time out, especially if you run your own business.

Without taking adequate downtime, persistent pressure shifts you into ‘default mode thinking’ and you spend too much time lost in thought, and less able to engage with the present moment, where you’re most productive and effective (and happier).

Using humour and flair, Kerene will remind you of what’s important; your health and well-being, relationships, and having a sense of purpose, while explaining (with the help of neuroscience) how short daily doses of mindfulness counteract the escalating pressure, by providing much-needed freedom from your busy head.

The benefits of mindfulness are mind-blowing (pun intended). Not just for your physical and emotional health, but to powerfully reconnect you with your work, life, and the people in it. Join Kerene as she explains how it works, while debunking the myths about why you probably think it’s not for you.

ABOUT Kerene Strochnetter
Leader Coach – Mindfulness Consultant – Speaker

Kerene’s on a mission to make the M-words cool (mindfulness and meditation). With an extensive background in health, education, coaching and consulting, she is perfectly positioned to explain how mindfulness can turn your life around (without needing to leave home, chant, or join a monastery).

Currently Kerene coaches busy professional people, who despite their success, still feel overwhelmed and under-fulfilled. She also runs 8 week ‘My Off Switch’ programmes, for organisations and businesses who want their people to function at their best, lead from strong values, and to be as on-game as possible.