Kāpiti Speakers’ Corner in full swing

The Immigration Amendment Bill currently before Parliament was described as “hideous” at a recent Kāpiti Speakers’ Corner morning.
This is the view of Wickham Pack, Co-ordinator of Amnesty International NZ’s Kāpiti/Horowhenua Group, who wants people to contact their Members of Parliament to express opposition to the Bill.
Wickham Pack says that groups of immigrants arriving together in New Zealand, a target of the Bill, are among the most vulnerable people on the planet.
“We are all immigrants and we all need to speak out, she said. “This Bill is not in our name we can do better than that.”
She said all civilisations are judged by how they treat their most vulnerable, and currently there is an enormous gap in this country’s Human Rights legislation.
The rally at Speakers’ Corner was held to mark Amnesty International Day. Ms Pack said that basic human rights include freedom of speech and freedom of the media.