Michael Scott – passionate about Waikanae issues

Campaign Statement

As a long time resident of Waikanae and local business owner I am passionate about Waikanae issues. Local democracy and representation through an active community Board is vital for Waikanae’s future.
As Chair of the Community Board for the last three years I have worked with an active Board which has advocated tirelessly for its community. Consultation and community involvement have been key ingredients of the Boards success. I am committed to strengthening this process in the next triennia to promote the interests of Waikanae residents.

As a rate payer and active member of the local community I remain troubled by the ever increasing burden placed on rate payers. There needs to be a re-evaluation and refocus on core functions for Council and a return to basics in terms high quality service delivery. Value for money must be paramount and should be the focus of elected representatives.

Mr Scott is also a candidate for a District-wide council seat