Candidate right about water meters


Marilyn Stephens (KCNews letters 2 Sept) is quite right about water meters. Some years ago our Council spent an awful lot of money fitting old houses with new tobys which were meter friendly and of course all new houses are required to be fitted with such tobys. This shows us that our masters in that too small building on Rimu Road made the decision about metering water years ago and all they await is a friendly elected Council to pounce.

Actually such a move is probably not too far away. Try asking the question as to how much our total water take is increased by the decision just taken for river recharge from bores at a cost of
$22million odd dollars. Unless this is substantial, a complete cessation of building consents must occur or meters with increasingly penal charges must be used. I suspect that all that is changed is that Council are protected against fines for exceeding permitted water take and also protected from being sued about the damage to hot water systems and appliances ruined by hard bore water.

Brian Baggott
Paraparaumu Beach.