Ōtaki Timebank – meeting each other’s needs

The Ōtaki Timebank is a community of people who support each other by trading hours of service.

One hour of time spent helping someone is recorded, and everyone’s hour is equal. Help someone else and then you can be helped. It is that simple, yet it has profound effects. It is like a babysitting circle, but with every service covered and an inbuilt social security system in its structure.

Why not join the Ōtaki Timebank? It is a way of helping other people and having it measured in Hours. Everyone’s hour is equal. It’s a circle of giving, a kind of whanaungatanga. John mows Mary’s lawn, Mary walks Peter’s dog, Peter teaches ukulele to Oriwia, Oriwia helps John choose library books. Join online at www.timebank.otaki.org.nz

Deirdre Kent
06 364 7779
021 728 852
The timebank is a project of Transition Towns Ōtaki