Teachers join Rolling Strike Action 

NZEI Te Riu Roa Teachers Union

Area school teachers across the country have voted in favour of taking industrial action this term, including rolling strikes, says NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest education union. 

Action will include a relief teacher work ban, a ban on meetings outside of school hours, and rolling strikes from Tuesday 9 May to Thursday 11 May. 

NZEI Te Riu Roa area school teacher action will align with that undertaken by PPTA Te Wehengarua area school teachers. 

“Members do not take the decision to strike lightly but we are frustrated that the Government is moving so slowly on our claims,” says area school teacher and member of the negotiation team, Kaareen Hotereni. 

“Tamariki deserve teachers who have the time and resources to ensure that all students and their whānau are well supported in their school journey.” 

This action closely follows primary and area school principals who began a two-month work ban from Monday 24 April, the first day of term two.  

NZEI Te Riu Roa President, Mark Potter said that members are sending a message to the government that they need to do more to ensure teaching remains a valued profession. 

Area school teachers received one offer in late 2022. Further negotiations with the Ministry take place at the end of next week. If an offer is received that meets the needs of area school teachers, any industrial action agreed by area school teachers can be called off.