Kāpiti Council Focus in Key Areas

Kāpiti Coast District Council’s annual plan process for the 2019/20 year is underway with Councillors agreeing proposed key areas of focus yesterday.
Mayor K Gurunathan says the draft plan sets out the activities the Council plans to deliver in 2019/20 and the proposed rates increase for the year.
“We’re committed to continuing on the path we set down in year two of our Toitū Kāpiti long term plan 2018-38. This includes continuing to manage and upgrade our water infrastructure, work to address flood risks, improving our local roads and community facilities.
“As we are not proposing any significant changes in the year ahead, we are not formally consulting on any change options this time round. Instead, we are taking the opportunity to remind the community of what’s planned.”
A summary of what’s proposed in the draft 19/20 annual plan will be available online and in Council service centres in early April 2019.
The Mayor encouraged people to take an interest in the draft plan.
“We’re always interested in what our community has to say and welcome questions or comments on the draft plan.
“Councillors will carefully consider all feedback received before they decide to adopt the final 2019/20 annual plan on 23 May 2019.”

Further information about the draft 2019/20 annual plan and how to provide feedback is available on Council’s website www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/Your-Council/Planning/annual-and-long-term-plans/annual-plan-2019-20/