Independent panel to help protect Kauri

A new independent panel announced today will strengthen efforts to protect New Zealand’s iconic forest giant, at the same time as public consultation gets underway to further boost those efforts.
There are many Kauri trees on the Kāpiti Coast listed under Notable Trees by the Kāpiti Council.
Biosecurity New Zealand’s Roger Smith, Chair of the Kauri Dieback Programme Governance Group, says the Accelerating Protection for Kauri Independent Panel will bring further focus, insight and leadership to drive the programme already underway.
“I’m delighted to announce the appointment of the panel members, who bring extensive experience, skill, mana and a shared passion in our mission to save the kauri,” Mr Smith says. “Collectively, they represent a wide range of interests and strong expertise in the fields of biosecurity, environmental science, conservation, research, policy, Māori development, management and leadership.”
The panel’s role will be to bring a new perspective to the management of kauri dieback disease and provide advice to the Kauri Dieback Programme Governance Group to assist with key decisions.
Also from today (Monday 25 June), public consultation opens to gather feedback on the future direction for managing kauri dieback.
“Collective action is needed to identify new ways and actions to protect kauri, and everyone who wants to should take the chance to have their say.”
The public hui and meetings mark the first of three rounds of public consultation, with this round focusing on refreshing the strategy for managing the disease. Mr Smith says the following two rounds later this year will consider what the National Pest Management Plan could look like and ways to action it.