Kāpiti Business Confidence Survey

The Kāpiti Chamber of Commerce is conducting a Business Confidence Survey and your feed back is welcome.

How is business going? What do you think of the state of the economy?

To better represent you and the views of regional businesses, we regularly ask you how you think we’re doing through our quarterly business confidence survey.

To better represent you and the views the region’s businesses we need you to tell us how your business is doing.

With an announcement on Let’s Get Welly Moving delayed again until next year, we want to ask you about your thoughts on transport infrastructure projects in our region and your overall thoughts on how improvements to our transport networks have progressed.

If you complete the survey, you can go in the draw to win either 2 x return tickets from your nearest port to anywhere on the Jetstar New Zealand domestic network, or a $500 voucher for any Business Central training course.

You can begin our survey by clicking below.

Understanding our business environment is key in helping you to see market trends and anticipate challenges. The full survey report will be made available on our website, once the data has been collated.

We really appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.

Link to Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCKāpitiDec2018

Kāpiti Business Confidence Survey

The Kāpiti Chamber of Commerce is conducting a Business Confidence Survey and your feed back is welcome.

How is business going? What do you think of the state of the economy?

To better represent you and the views of regional businesses, we regularly ask you how you think we’re doing through our quarterly business confidence survey.

To better represent you and the views the region’s businesses we need you to tell us how your business is doing.

With an announcement on Let’s Get Welly Moving delayed again until next year, we want to ask you about your thoughts on transport infrastructure projects in our region and your overall thoughts on how improvements to our transport networks have progressed.

If you complete the survey, you can go in the draw to win either 2 x return tickets from your nearest port to anywhere on the Jetstar New Zealand domestic network, or a $500 voucher for any Business Central training course.

You can begin our survey by clicking below.

Understanding our business environment is key in helping you to see market trends and anticipate challenges. The full survey report will be made available on our website, once the data has been collated.

We really appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.

Link to Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCKāpitiDec2018