Travel Time – with Adrienne Wilton

Our claims team have been very busy processing claims from the recent holidays and cyclone travel disruptions.
Travelling with children reminds us of the importance of travel insurance. This week, Cover-More Travel insurance shares some travel insurance claims received these holidays.

We often receive cancellation claims due to children becoming ill a couple of days before the family’s holiday. Chicken pox, ear infections and tummy bugs are easily brought home from school. This week’s cancellation claim is a result of a trampoline accident.

Ensure travel insurance is purchased at the same time as purchasing travel arrangements to protect against any non-refundable cancellation fees.

Where: New Zealand, prior to departure
Total Claim: $3,400.00

Claim details:
Four days before the family flew out to Australia’s Gold Coast, Mason was jumping on the trampoline, when he jumped backwards – lost his footing and fell in an awkward position, breaking his arm and hitting his head.
Mason was hospitalised and underwent surgery for the complex fracture. He required weekly follow-ups with the orthopaedic clinic and the family could not travel as planned.
Ensure you are covered for unexpected events such as these, as well as natural disaster and weather events.

Adrienne Wilton, Travel Designer Kāpiti Coast/Wellington
NZ Travel Brokers
Phone +64 4 902 0823 Mobile +64 27 220 9734
Email [email protected]