Historic wave of people for Kāpiti

With 26% of its residents aged 65+, Kāpiti is dealing with issues other communities around the country will soon face.
“I think it’s very important the entire community gets its head around this historic wave of people. We’ve never seen anything like it before,” says John Hayes, chair of Kāpiti Coast Older Person’s Council.
“The politicians have got to realise that the more we procrastinate the bigger the problem is going to be because this population explosion at the older end is not going away.
“Obviously as the population ages, there are going to be challenges; Infrastructure challenges, challenges with the way we interact with people.
The World Health Organisation defines an age-friendly community as “an inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active ageing”.
It’s identified eight elements which influence the quality of life for older people including employment, social participation, social inclusion, information, health services and community support, housing, transport, and buildings and outdoor spaces.

with thanks to Superseniors.msd.govt.nz