Kāpiti Chamber of Commerce in Great Shape

Chair of the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce, Liz Koh, in her report to members at the recent Chamber AGM, highlighted the 13% growth in membership during the year, and the continuing success of the Chamber’s Business After 5 events.
“Our BA5 events have become ‘must attend’ events for anyone doing business in Kāpiti, with great opportunities for networking and learning more about local businesses” says Koh. “We are playing a leading role in the economic development strategy for Kāpiti, opportunities for digital leadership arising from ultrafast broadband and other new technology, and strategies for youth employment. On top of that, we now have a fantastic new website (www.kapitichamber.org.nz) which will become a great resource for our members. Looking to the future we will be increasing benefits to members through training programmes and sponsorship”.
Chair Liz Koh, Deputy Chair Jane Stevenson, Secretary Sheryl Earnshaw and Treasurer Ian Fenwick were re-elected for a further one year term.