NZTA shafts Kāpiti say local cycling advocacy group Kāpiti Cycling Incorporated (KCI)

Kāpiti Cycling Inc claims KCDC has buckled under NZTA pressure to sign a non enforceable agreement for the Revocation of SH1 under which not even a painted cycleway on SH1 is guaranteed this outcome smacks of bully boy tactics by NZTA and we wonder why the KCDC signed up before the BOI process was completed.

NZTA cannot deliver on its commitment to provide a complying cycleway on both sides of SH1 without widening the Ōtaki River bridge, which it has no intention of doing.

NZTA’s preliminary plans featured an off-road shared pathway commencing from the consented M2PP shared pathway and bridleway, continuing all the way from Peka Peka to Ōtaki.

NZTA recently axed that pathway feature from its project budget sidelining it into the Revocation of SH1 works and has since pulled the plug on pathway funding totally. NZTA is hiding behind one survey carried out in the middle of a winters week saying there is no demand for an off road shared pathway facility.

KCI said to the BOI that the survey was rubbish and challenged NZTA to survey SH1 on the weekend over Summer when they would find dozens of cyclists using SH1.

KCI demonstrated that an off road facility was economically justified from a safety perspective referring to the tragic death of cyclist Mr Frank van Kampen who was struck down in September 2009 on SH1 in Te Horo.

KCI went on to accuse NZTA of having an outstanding record in responding after the horse has bolted quoting the belated installation of wire rope median barriers between Pukerua Bay and Paekākāariki. By NZTA’s own admission had these barriers been installed nine years earlier, 12 fatal crashes and 4 serious injuries would have been prevented.

“Saving one life on SH1 between Peka Peka and Ōtaki will more than pay for the cost an off road shared pathway and bridleway facility alongside the proposed expressway.”