Darren Hughes on KC News

It is great to be involved with this new website. It will be good to have a news website dedicated to our area. I hope it will be a great source for locals to find out what is happening about particular issues, and what local Members of Parliament and Councillors think about these issues.‪ ‬ ‪

As a Member of Parliament, one of the things I try really hard to do is to communicate with people in our community. To hear from them about what’s important, to pass on information about what is happening and how it affects locals and to find out what they think about decisions being made in the Beehive.

The forum for communication is changing, as more and more people logon to the web based world! It is a fast, effective and sometimes confusing way to get a lot of information in a short amount of time. Websites such as KCnews will be great as a port of call (or maybe ‘portal of call’!) for finding out about local issues.‬‪ ‬

I commend the editor, Tim Wilson, for his hard work in launching this site and hope the website goes well and serves the community. ‬‪

Best wishes, Darren Hughes‬‪, Labour MP.